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Since her teaching career, GMT Emezue has taught several courses at Post Graduate as well as undergraduate levels. She also teaches poetry at FUNAI's school of Foundation Studies. One of her innovative methods of teaching poetry is what Emezue calls "experiential Poetry," where she experiments with audio and multi-media facilities in making poetry real to her students. This experiment started way back at the beginning of the millennium when GMT Emezue observed the dread students have for poetry. Through these experiential programmes, she tries to lead the students to re-discover the joy they had while enjoying poetry as small children in kindergarten classes.


Emezue's major argument in this regard is that the difficulty students experience in their attempt to with understand poetry arises most often from the method of teaching, especially in the upper primary and secondary school levels. Some of the courses she has taught over the years include:


Courses Taught at Undergraduate Level in the Past

Use of English 1 & 2 (GST 101 and 107)

Introduction to Poetry (ENG 132)

Introduction to Drama (ENG 112)

Introduction to Modern African Literature (ENG 214)

Survey of English Literature 1: Old English

Medieval and Renaissance Lit. (ENG 213)

Survey of English Literature 11: Restoration and the 18th Century (ENG 223)

Major Genres of African Oral Literature (222)

African-American Literature (ENG 131)

English Romantic Poetry (ENG 332)

Survey of American Literature (ENG 325)

Modern African Poetry (ENG 413)

Literary Theory and Criticism (ENG 414)

Survey of English Literature: Modern Period (ENG 422)

Supervision of Research Project: The Long Essay (ENG 424)


Courses Currently Taught at Undergraduate Level

Creative Writing I

Creative Writing II

Literature, Popular Culture and Mass Media

Use of English I

Introduction to Poetry (Foundation Programme)

Introduction to Poetry

Literary Theories and Criticism


Courses Taught at Post Graduate Level in the past

Major Strands in Literary Criticism (ENG 761)

Women in West African Fiction (ENG 746)

Social Issues and Literary Interactions (ENG 744)




TRENDING offers an overview of projects that GMT Emezue is currently involved in.